The start of this year was an eventful one!
We have had the mildest winter - we weren't sure if we would have snow for Christmas, mild temperatures too, for December this is unheard of.
But January came in with full force. It started to snow January 3th, it was so nice, made beautiful pictures. Sunday, WOW its still snowing the depth building up quickly. By Monday morning and 12 inches or more, of snow later, we were thinking Oh no! So Ed started to plow the driveway, he got halfway up and we had to dig out our friends van as he didn't make it out the night before, so up we go with tractor, chains and shovels. We get it backed down to our place so Ed can finish clearing the top of the driveway. But when he came back in he said - you might as well get comfortable you won't make out by the road, the snow is too deep.
For the first time in 5 years we were snowed in! We will have to wait for the grater to come to plow the road. We made the best of it and hung out around the fire to enjoy a stolen day.
Tuesday morning we woke up to freezing rain making the sound of tink, tink, tink on everything it hit. This lasted for 4 hours, then we had regular rain - how weird is that for January! Now there is a good 1/2 inch layer of ice on top of the snow everywhere, makes walking almost impossible!
Shayleigh walks on top for a while then disappears into the snow when the ice breaks.
The kids enjoyed three extra days off, for their winter vacation, but by Thursday I couldn't wait to drop them off at school!
WOW. Good thing you've got that fabulous woodstove to keep you warm!